Local Marketing

Local Marketing: 4 Ways To Generate Traffic

Here are four ways to generate foot traffic for your local business.

Create your own local industry association

In a medium-sized city I organized all the chiropractors into an ad-hoc advertising association. They pooled funds to promote “advertorial” spots on local TV. See if you can find like-minded competitors and look for areas you can combine forces for exponential results.

Create your own local party or event

This is a similar idea but involves organizing neighboring businesses for local promotions. What local event can you start to generate excitement? How about a weekly happy hour downtown with local bands? Or a mini music festival.

You can start small. Try co-promotions with one or two neighbors and build from there. I’ve staged hockey clinics, golf demo days, free massages days, battle of the bands, stand-up comedy marathons, etc.

Bring old customers back

It’s a mystery of the ages. Many businesses let old customers drift away with no attempt to get them back. Create an irresistible offer (it must be really good – don’t cheap out on it) and get those drifters back. They already know who you are so it is all gravy.

Use all your co-op

Check what co-op funds you have accrued with your top vendors. Have you used it all up? If so, ask your vendors about special funds set up to fund one-off promotions. This is different from your earned co-op. Often called “Key City Funds” or similar phrases, you have to feature that vendor in the promotion, but it is a great way to find extra money.


Joe Ghostwriter is a copywriter, marketing consultant and award-winning public speaker. He is passionate about helping businesses gain more customers and build sales with content marketing, social media, direct response and internet marketing. Contact Joe at Email or connect on LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Twitter Google+

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