Public Speaking

Focus To Get More Paid Speaking Gigs

A new speaker asked how to move from free to paid speaking gigs. One of the common errors of new speakers is they cast too wide a net. My educated guess is he does not have a focused value proposition.

Ask yourself “what problem do I solve?” The answer to that must be crystal clear to the people you approach about speaking gigs. The best way to do that is to narrow your target market.

That said, few new speakers and businesses want to do this, thinking they are giving up potential business by focusing so tightly on a narrow audience.

“My message is for everbody!” they cry. “I want to help the world!”

Great, but you have to establish a beachhead in a target market, then expand from there.

The truth is most (not all) niches have tons of speaking opportunities around the world. But unless you focus, you’ll struggle to get any traction, testimonials, referrals and paid bookings.


Joe Ghostwriter is a copywriter, marketing consultant and award-winning public speaker. He is passionate about helping businesses gain more customers and build sales with content marketing, social media, direct response and internet marketing. Contact Joe at Email or connect on LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Twitter Google+

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