
Write to Charlie to Make Your Copy Better Right Away

Who is Charlie? He’s your customer avatar. He is a representation of your buyer.

Ask yourself: What does your most important client look like?

Ex.: Primary Customer Avatar

Charlie is a VP of sales for a midwestern services company generating $25 million per year. He is 45 years old, drives a used Lexus, and lives in an upper middle class neighborhood with his wife and two kids.

Fears and Frustrations:
-Working more hours every week.
-Needs better leads for sales team.
-Afraid he is stagnating in job.

Wants and Aspirations:
-More qualified leads from website and other sources at top of marketing funnel.
-More time with family.
-More sales per sales rep.

Now, write your website copy to Charlie — not a market, target or demographic, write to Charlie. Your copy will be a gajillion times better right away.


Joe Ghostwriter is a copywriter, marketing consultant and award-winning public speaker. He is passionate about helping businesses gain more customers and build sales with content marketing, social media, direct response and internet marketing. Contact Joe at Email or connect on LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Twitter Google+

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