Personal Marketing

How To Use Triggers To Fascinate and Captivate Your Prospects

Sally Hogshead is an expert in creating fascination about brands and individuals alike. In this TEDx talk, she discusses the 7 fascination triggers, and shows you to leverage your personal assets to stand out.

Here are some highlights of the video.

– All markets are like online dating.

– We all have to overcome competition. Not a problem if you are “the hottest” or “the best” competitor in a market. But most people are not “the best” in a market.

– It does not matter how incredible you are if no one knows. We want our ideas to get out there.

– Distraction is a major problem. Attention spans are now only 9 seconds long, which means you have that long to capture attention.

– 9 seconds is not long enough to “make a sale,” but it gives you enough time to get an introduction going.

– You can compete in a short attention world if you focus on something more fascinating.

– You have the ability to create fascination about yourself. Our brains are hardwired to crave fascination. The brain asks, “Should I pay attention?” You can trigger a positive response using triggers including:


Each trigger requires you take an action that elicits that the desired response:

– To trip the power trigger, take command.
– To trip the alarm trigger, use urgency.
– To trip the vice trigger, use creativity to “change the norm.”

Brands use these triggers, as do individuals with their personality. Triggers are used depending on the situation, but each of us has a primary trigger as well as a secondary trigger.

For example, Trump uses the power and prestige triggers. Steve Jobs uses the power and vice triggers. Oprah uses passion and trust triggers. Determine what triggers you use to help focus your personal brand.


– Take control of the first few seconds you are in front of new people or prospects.

– Use your natural self to leverage your talents.

– Use emotion, not just logic. Fascinate people so they get emotionally attached to your pitch.


Joe Ghostwriter is a copywriter, marketing consultant and award-winning public speaker. He is passionate about helping businesses gain more customers and build sales with content marketing, social media, direct response and internet marketing. Contact Joe at Email or connect on LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Twitter Google+

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